Welcome to my mind.

Ok, to be frank, I will only be posting those thoughts safe for human consumption.  I think lots of things, however, and so I should be able to keep this up.


A couple of days ago, a freak, in a premeditated outburst, walked into a midnight premier of the new Batman movie and killed some people.  What he did is horrible, and has caused pain and grief to not just  those who were there, but to the friends and family of those people.  12 people were reported killed, I have not been following the news to see if any others have since died, but there were enough people injured , even to the point where they required ICU treatment, that such further losses are a distinct possibility.  One of those shot dead was a six year old girl.  I’m not going to get into the wisdom of dragging your 6 year old out in the middle of the night to satisfy your geek-out, the fact is, she was there and this killer mowed her down in an indiscriminate manner.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Aurora, CO, and to the families of those people that were affected by this tragedy.

Having said all of this,  I am quite upset by those who, in a knee-jerk manner are demanding that firearms be banned.  This was a premeditated act by a crazed loner.  He was bright enough to study neuroscience.  He made IEDs.  He would have been able to enact this act of terrorism with or without guns.  To see the guns as the villain here is to excuse the true nefarious nature of this event.  This is the most loud cry, there will undoubtedly be others.  There will be those who blame the movie, the theater, heck even the school that he dropped out from, but in the end, he alone bears responsibility for his choice.

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