We are Legion

Well to be more specific, I am the Sgt. At Arms for Post #912 of the American Legion in Washington, Utah.


We had a meeting tonight that was incredibly good. We are a young Post, having been only extant for a year and a half.  We had a wonderful group of hula dancers come and perform for us.  We had the forming of our Auxiliary post, and we had a nice potluck dinner.  All of those elements were wonderful, but as I sat directing my kids in the cleanup afterwards, I had an opportunity to sit and observe the people as they interacted with each other.

I observed family, not just my wife and kids (who were there among them), but all of the people that we had there. We had veterans of multiple wars, and conflicts.  We had their wives, or in one case husband, we had my children (we are among the youngest in the group, and still have kids at home), there were a couple of industrious young men who are going to Boys State this year and their folks, and the hula dancers (some with husbands- as roadies).  The thing is, we interacted, not as associates, but in the familiar way of family.  It was a beautiful sight, and moved me.  I found the realization that as I looked out on this crowd that I cared for these people.

I know that some will see this as silliness on my part, but I am part of them.  Just as I am part of my family, and my Faith, I am part of these people, and together we are strong.  It turns out that we are legion.