New Wants

I have stopped wanting things for birthdays.  I think that I was still a teenager the last time I had something that made me wiggly inside.  Since that time I have felt that if I really wanted something that I should prioritize it, and get it when I had saved up for it.  I am 42 now, and quite arguably, I have made it hard on people to get things for me for years.  I am always saying, “It is enough to have those I care about near me.”  I find myself suddenly gripped with a new situation, someone has made something that is all the better if you don’t get it for yourself.

I don;t actually think that I know anyone who could foot the bill for this, that doesn’t have higher priorities, but the promise of it being so good makes me unwilling to get it for myself.  I will undoubtedly have this bookmarked on my browser for years to come, if only so I can feed the dream, but for the first time in a long time… I know what I want for my birthday.  🙂